While I'm out in Uganda, I hope to gather as much primary research as I possibly can about my topic, and therefore I've decided to keep it quite broad for now as I don't really know what to expect. As well as the set of pdfs about African Art and so on, I also have a couple of tourist guides I plan on using/reading to gather as much history on the country as possible. I think at this stage it is really important to have a strong historical understanding of the country as I'm sure that will have influenced their art and design. I also am not sure yet whether to narrow down my topic to just focusing on Uganda, or whether I will be able to build a stronger point with my research by still focusing on the 5 countries in the East African Community (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda & Burundi).
Archive for August 2013
Research Plans
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
by Andrea Hannah Cooper
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Summer Research
This is a set of pdfs I have prepared to take with me to Uganda so that I can read up on the history of the country and about African art in general:
Monday, 5 August 2013
by Andrea Hannah Cooper
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